
Emotional rollercoaster

The huge disappointment at having missed out on a ticket for the Olympics was succeeded by a huge triumph: A childhood dream came true for André Thieme when he rode to victory in the Rolex Grand Prix. We visited the 49-year-old and his sports part-ner, DSP Chakaria, at their home in Plau am See.

Her chestnut coat shimmers in the morning light, her hooves are placed accurately in the rich, green grass. The graceful mare poses in front of the camera relaxed, now and again she chomps at a piece of grass, and then her gentle gaze wanders back over the spacious grounds of the yard. Her long-standing rider is stood at her side. Equally relaxed, almost a little dreamy. An idyllic picture. Absolute peace. A moment of joy. André Thieme seems content. There is no longer a trace of the bitter disappointment at having missed out on participating at the Olympic Games. The 49-year-old is familiar with the ups and downs of his sport. And anyone, who knows the tall, blonde rider, is aware that he is a team player. Someone, who acknowledges the good performances of his peers, seeks the errors in himself first and accepts the fact that he wasn’t at his best at the time. “I had my chance. And I didn’t make use of that opportunity,” he said soberly. “Perhaps I wanted it too much.” The lightness needed to master the most difficult courses in the world had simply been lacking. At least that is how he tries to explain the unnecessary faults he picked up in the Mercedes-Benz Nations’ Cup. Two poles fell to the ground amid the breath-taking, floodlit atmosphere of the Main Stadium in Aachen. His dream of Paris vanished! An evening of frustration. But also an evening, which in hindsight brought about the decisive turning point. “After I knew that I wouldn’t be taking part in the Olympic Games, something changed.” The pressure he had put upon himself, fell from his shoulders, the lightness returned. And what a change! Less than 72 hours later, the Aachener Soers experienced a totally different André Thieme. Also emotionally moved – but this time with sheer uncontainable joy. Totally overwhelmed by the sensa-tional triumph his DSP Chakaria had just helped him achieve: the victory in the Rolex Grand Prix at the CHIO Aachen.

Having had time to reflect, André Thieme is certain: If he had put in a convincing performance on that Thursday evening in the Mercedes-Benz Nations’ Cup and been nominated for the team in Paris, “I would never have won on the Sunday.” It was simply meant to be, he knows now. And he is very grateful for that. He waited a long time for this victory, he had dreamt about it for ages. “Such famous names are engraved on that winners’ board. And now mine is one of them,” stated the 49-year-old, who as a youth initial-ly excelled in football and then in the dressage ring. “I hadn’t really had a good week up until then. The fact that we celebrated that victory this year of all years, brings me the greatest satisfaction I could ever have wished for,” he said. Words spoken from his heart. André Thieme doesn’t disguise his true feelings, whether he is celebrating a euphoric victory or experiencing a desperate defeat. That is what makes him approachable, authentic and likeable. He has a clear explanation for why the performance curve rocketed so high after having hit the trough. He had simply concentrated on himself again. On his strengths. And on the strengths of his mare, who has enriched his life more than any other horse before.

DSP Chakaria was an eight-year-old when André Thieme took over the reins. He sensed that she is something very special the instant he met her. That was in 2018. At a local show. Far away from the big stage. Far away from the cameras. “I was the fastest for once,” he grinned, patting himself quickly on shoulder for not having hesitated in the decisive moment, risking all instead. “I am so blessed with this horse. She is simply exceptional,” he said about the 14-year-old Chap daughter. The dearest soul in the whole yard, she always excels when it comes down to it with intelligence, ambition, scope and her irrepressible willingness to do her very best. An attitude which has enabled her to catapult her rider to the very pinnacle of his sport in a flash. André Thieme has not only celebrated fantastic achievements with her in famous classes  all over the globe, including also the phenomenal victory in the Mercedes-Benz Nations’ Cup at the CHIO Aachen in 2022, but   she also contributed towards him being selected to represent Germany at his first championships. The absolute climax: the European Championships in Riesenbeck in 2021, when the father of two was crowned with individual gold and team silver  in front of his home crowd.


But André Thieme has not only been deeply attached to his DSP Chakaria after winning all these medals. “I love this horse,” he said with total conviction, adding immediately: “Almost as much as I love my wife.” While stating this, the dainty chestnut mare  carries on snatching away at the grass totally laid-back. It seems like she is tanking new energy – for the next moment when she does her very best to fulfil one of her rider’s further sporting dreams. Because André Thieme has plenty more goals on his bucket list.


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