

He is one of the best show-jumpers in the world, she successfully represents her home country, Australia, in the dressage arena. The Swiss rider, Martin Fuchs, and Simone Pearce have been a pair since the end of 2023. In an interview they spoke about their happiness together and life as professional athletes.

The two of you seem inseparable. Could you tell us how you met?


Martin: We had taken part at the same shows a few times in the past, but never really had any contact. Then, last autumn we got talking to each other for the first time. And it just “clicked” from the very start.


Simone: Yes, that’s right. We love spending time together and see each other every day, if possible. Our yards are only about an hour apart in the meantime. Either I drive to Switzerland in the evening or Martin comes to see me in Germany.


The equestrian sport involves intensive training and a lot of travelling. Does the fact that you are both professionals make it easier for you to have a better understanding for each other?


Martin: Definitely. We equestrian athletes have a special lifestyle. And of course riders, regardless of which discipline they do, naturally understand more readily what practising this sport involves. Which is why it is great to have a part-ner, who shares your passion for horses.


Simone: One difference is perhaps the fact that a dressage schedule is often not quite so crammed full compared to jumping. Martin competes much more often and with more horses than I do. That is a bit different. But, of course, I try to show understanding for everything he has to do for his career and support him as much as I can.


You both have full agendas and travel all over the world with your horses. How special is it that you are competing together here at the CHIO Aachen?


Martin: That is a luxury situation, of course, which we enjoy immensely. Simone’s dad has come over from Australia. My parents are here as well as a lot of our good friends. So, the week here in Aachen offers the perfect opportunity to not only spend time together, but also with our family and friends. That really is special.


Simone: Yes, we are enjoying being fortunate enough to support each other here. Martin is in the dressage arena when I ride. And I watch him compete. That is a great gift for us.


Simone, tell me truthfully: Can you watch when Martin is in the ring?


Simone: If I am honest, I couldn’t at all at first. I was really nervous and used to just look down at the floor and listen if I could hear a pole fall or not. But in the meantime I am getting braver all the time in that respect – especially since I know how brilliantly Martin does his job.


And Martin, what is it like for you? A dressage test last quite a few minutes longer…


Martin: Yes, that’s true. It really is nail-biting. I like dressage and I love watching Simone ride. But most of all I enjoy accompanying her when she is training. I am very nervous at the shows. Because like you said, it feels like a test lasts an eternity…


Simone: I think Martin is proof for the fact that dressage can be very exciting too (laughs).

Is there anything that you can learn from one another?


Simone: Oh, loads. But above all not to be so nervous and take a slightly more relaxed approach when facing each challenge.


Martin: Simone is very focused when working with the horses. I am learning from that a bit. For example, I don’t talk on the phone anymore while I am riding.


In the meantime, you are not only partners in your private lives, you also have business ties…


Martin: Yes, that is right. Together with my business part-ner, Ilan Felder, we have purchased a few dressage horses, which Simone rides. And we have been able to win over a few very good owners, whose horses she is training. So, we have succeeded in building a great group of people and horses around her within a short space of time. That is wonderful – and exciting at the same time.


Simone, is this opportunity a dream come true for you?


Simone: Yes, of course I am extremely happy about it. It is a fantastic opportunity, which enables me to further develop in my sport. Most of the horses are still young, but I am looking forward to the future with them and I am very grateful that I am allowed to school them.


What does success mean for you?


Martin: First of all, there is always a great team behind every success. And for me it is reconfirmation of my daily work over and over again.


Simone: I don’t necessarily measure success in terms of individual performances. For me it is more the joint journey that I am allowed to experience with a horse. And to an extent also my personal path. When I came to Europe at the age of 17, I didn’t really have anything apart from the desire to work with horses and I was absolutely determined to try my very hardest at it. Which is why I am quite proud of what I have achieved. And I am very much looking forward to what the future has in store.


Do you feel at home in Europe in the meantime?


Simone: I miss Australia, of course. It will always be my home country. But I can say with Martin at my side, I really do feel at home here.


Martin: And I will do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way too (laughs).