The Media Night at the CHIO Aachen
The “Media Night” is the gala evening at the World Equestrian Festival, CHIO Aachen. Many celebrities and athletes meet up in the Champions’ Circle on the showgrounds to traditionally celebrate the opening of the CHIO Aachen on the Tuesday evening.
Fantastic atmosphere in the Champions’ Circle, lots of stars on the red carpet: The Media Night at the CHIO Aachen 2019, for which among others Boris Becker made his way to Aachen for. We have put some of the nicest clips together for you.

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The Media Night 2019
And he is Mister Media Night: Dr. Hermann Bühlbecker, sole shareholder of the company Lambertz and co-host of the Gala Night. We spoke to him about the CHIO in general, the Media Night in particular and many other themes.

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In conversation with Dr. Hermann Bühlbecker