
Australian/Swedish trio jumps, runs and drives to victory in the MERKUR Casino-Cup

The Soers rocked as six triathlon teams, each comprising of an eventer and a show-jumper as well as a four-in-hand team attempted to outtrump each other in the MERKUR Casino-Cup. The Australian/Swedish trio won in the end.

Andrew Hoy (AUS) with Cadet de Beliard, Fredrik Spetz (SWE) with Lexus and Boyd Exell (AUS) with Bajnok, Barny, Maestoso Jupiter and Neapolitano Nimrod in front of the carriage left their fellow competitors trailing behind in the MERKUR Casino-Cup, a combined jumping, eventing and driving competition that is staged as a relay race.

After achieving a score of 165.28 points, they left the neighbouring countries out in the cold: Lara de Liederkerke-Meier from Belgium with Pumpkin de la Liniere as the cross-country specialist, Jur Vrieling with El Rocco (who already won the Feinkost Käfer-Prize yesterday, the speed and handiness competition over ditches and banks) in the show jumping and the driver from the Netherlands, Bram Chardon. The team achieved a combined score of 165.85 which put them into second place.

Until the above two trios hit the Soers by storm, Team 2 had headed the field: Gemma Stevens (GBR) with Santiago Bay over the solid obstacles, Pim Mulder with Ibylle over the show jumping course and the Swiss driver Jérôme Voutaz with his four Freiberger horses in front of the carriage. This trio finished on an overall score of 168.36 points.

Zu sehen ist eine Pferdekutsche mit zwei schwarzen Pferden. In der Kutsche stehen drei Personen und vor der Kutsche stehen zwei Männer in Anzügen. Die Szene findet in der Dunkelheit im Hauptstadion statt.

The photo shows the winning team, David Schnabel (Managing Director of MERKUR Spielbanken) and ALRV Supervisory Board member Dr. Thomas Förl. Photo: CHIO Aachen/Michael Strauch