
CHIO Aachen Magazine digital: This is what makes Daniel Deusser different off the course

At the CHIO Aachen 2021 he fulfilled his big dream with his Killer Queen, winning the Rolex Grand Prix and thus being immortalized on the legendary winner’s board. Daniel Deusser is currently one of the best show jumpers in the world. We all know him as a highly concentrated and always focused athlete. But what makes him tick away from the competition? We visited him at Stephex Stables in Belgium and could hardly believe it. Annica Hansen talked to Daniel’s boss Stephan Conter and we got to see a whole new side of Double D! We also paid a visit to his Killer Queen and followed her around in her daily life. Daniel’s Groom Sean Lynch also spills the beans on what their relationship is like and what the horses mean to him. And then Daniel Deusser also set a crazy new record! You have to see this!


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