Participation raffle app


The following terms and conditions (‘Terms and Conditions of Participation’) apply exclusively to the participation and realisation of the competition. Insofar as the masculine form is used in the conditions of participation, the term applies accordingly to female and diverse persons:


1 Organiser

1.1 The competition is organised exclusively by the Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e.V. (ALRV), Albert-Servais-Allee 50, 52070 Aachen (‘Organiser’).

competition period: The competition runs from 28/06/2024, 0:00 to 07/07/2024, 24:00 (‘competition period’).
eligibility to participate

3.1 Only natural persons with legal capacity who have reached the age of 18 are entitled to participate in the competition. The Organiser reserves the right to request proof of age and to refuse participation (possibly retroactively) if this is not provided.

3.2 There is no entitlement to participate in the competition. Participation in the competition is voluntary and free of charge.

3.3 Employees of the organiser and Aachener Reitturnier GmbH and their family members are excluded from participation in the competition. All persons involved in the conception and realisation of the competition and their family members are also not eligible to participate in the competition. Participation via competition agencies or other third parties who charge a fee for their services is not permitted.

3.4 The Organiser reserves the right, at its own discretion, to exclude persons from participation if there are justified reasons, in particular (a) in the event of manipulation in connection with access to or implementation of the competition, (b) in the event of unfair conduct or (c) in the event of false or misleading information in connection with participation in the competition. Sections 9 and 10 remain unaffected.


4 Procedure of the competition

4.1 Participation takes place by successfully completing the treasure hunt in the CHIO Aachen app (searching for and scanning five hidden QR codes on the CHIO Aachen grounds) and completing the competition form in full.

4.2 By participating in the competition, the participant expressly recognises these conditions of participation.

4.3 Only completed forms received by midnight on 07/07/2024 will be considered. A winner will be drawn after 07/07/2024.

4.4 Each person may only enter once. It is strictly forbidden to use multiple accounts to increase the chances of winning. Violations will result in immediate exclusion from the competition.


5 Prize

5.1 The prize includes two free tickets to the CHIO Aachen CAMPUS Masterclass: A live training session with Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and Benjamin Werndl on Saturday, 21/09/2024.

5.2 After the closing date, a winner will be drawn at random from all participants.

5.3 The prize is non-transferable (see section 9 in particular) and cannot be paid out in cash. It is also not possible to exchange the prize. The participant is responsible for any taxation of the prize.

6 Changes to the prize: The organiser reserves the right to change the prize at any time without prior notice. The participant is not entitled to any claims (e.g. compensation) if the prize is changed by the organiser.

postponement/cancellation/cancellation: The organiser is entitled to cancel, postpone or, if necessary, terminate the event in the event of unforeseen circumstances that make it impossible to hold the event.

7.1 If the event is postponed or cancelled, the prize remains valid. In this case, the participant can return the prize free of charge (e-mail is sufficient). The participant is not entitled to any claims (e.g. compensation for damages or expenses). This also applies if an event is cancelled.

7.2 If the event is cancelled or if it has to take place in whole or in part with the exclusion of spectators in accordance with a competent association or authority, the prize shall be forfeited without compensation. In such cases, the organiser shall not be liable to the participant for futile expenses (e.g. futile travel and accommodation costs).

8 Notification and transfer of the prize

8.1 The winner will be informed promptly after the end of the competition by reply to their comment or a direct message.

8.2 The participant must respond within two days after the notification of the prize has been sent. If the participant does not respond within two days of the prize notification being sent, a new winner will be chosen.

8.3 If the winner has provided contact details and these are incorrect (e.g. email address), the Organiser is not obliged to determine the correct details. Any disadvantages resulting from the provision of incorrect contact details shall be borne by the winner.

8.4 The prize will be sent to the winner. The Organiser shall decide on the shipping method at its own discretion. Any costs incurred for the dispatch of the prize shall be borne by the Organiser.

8.5 The winner’s full name may be published.

prohibition on passing on the prize: The prize is awarded exclusively for private, non-commercial use by the participant. Commercial or non-commercial resale or use is prohibited and remains the sole right of the organiser. In particular, the participant is prohibited from publicising the prize

– offer or sell the prize publicly, in particular at auctions or on the Internet (e.g. on eBay, classified ads, Facebook) or on sales platforms not authorised by the Organiser (e.g. viagogo etc.); or

– to sell or pass on to commercial or business resellers or ticket dealers; or

– to use or allow to be used commercially or commercially without the express prior written consent of the Organiser, in particular for the purposes of advertising, marketing, as a bonus, as a promotional gift, as a prize or as part of an unauthorised hospitality or travel package.

In the event of a breach of this provision, the Organiser is entitled not to deliver the prize to the Participant before handover or dispatch, to block the tickets concerned and to refuse the Participant access to the tournament site without compensation or to expel him/her from the tournament site and to impose an appropriate contractual penalty of up to EUR 2,000.00 on the Participant.

violation of the conditions of participation: In the event of a breach of the conditions of participation or reasonable suspicion of a breach by the participant, the organiser is entitled to exclude the respective participant with immediate effect. In such a case, the organiser is entitled to disallow the prize or, if necessary, demand its return.
premature termination of the competition: The organiser reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time for good cause without prior notice and without giving reasons. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular if, for technical or legal reasons, the proper organisation of the competition can no longer be guaranteed. Claims for damages are excluded in this case.

12 Liability: The organiser is only liable for damages incurred by the winner due to material defects or defects of title in the event of malice, intent or gross negligence, otherwise liability for material defects or defects of title is excluded, unless the breach concerns an obligation that is essential for achieving the purpose of the contract (cardinal obligation). In this case, the organiser shall be liable for the foreseeable, typically occurring damage. The organiser is liable without limitation for culpably caused damage to life, body or health.

tournament site rules: The participant will be sent the organiser’s tournament site rules when the prize is sent. The participant recognises these rules as binding and undertakes to comply with the relevant regulations.

14 Amendments and changes: In the event of a change in market conditions or the legal situation or supreme court rulings, the organiser is entitled to amend or change these conditions of participation, provided that the change is reasonable for the participant, taking into account the interests of the organiser. The participant will be notified of all changes. The additions or amendments shall be deemed approved if the participant has not objected to them in writing or online in the specified manner (e.g. by e-mail) within a period of four weeks after receipt of the amendments or additions, provided that the organiser has expressly referred to this fiction of approval in the announcement.

15 Choice of law, legal process: German law applies. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded. Recourse to the courts is excluded. The place of jurisdiction is, as far as permissible, Aachen.

final clause: Should individual clauses of these conditions of participation be invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses or the remaining parts of such clauses. In the event that a provision is invalid, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to replace it with a provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same applies to a loophole in these conditions of participation.

Aachen, June 2024


Notes on data protection


data processing: Insofar as personal data of participants is provided and collected in the context of the competition, this data will be collected and processed by the organiser exclusively for the purpose of conducting the competition (including notification of participants and dispatch of the prize). The data will also only be passed on to third parties to partners or service providers of the organiser for the purpose of running the competition.

Beyond this, personal data will not be processed or used unless the participant has consented to further processing or storage, there is a corresponding legal obligation on the part of the organiser or the organiser has a legitimate interest, in particular with regard to the defence against legal claims.

The surname, first name and email address are collected as data and stored in accordance with the information provided below.

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b, c and f and – in the case of the participant’s consent – a GDPR.

storage: As soon as the competition has ended and the participant has not won, all data collected will be deleted in full after 6 months, unless a longer storage period is required for contractual or legal reasons.

The winner’s data will be stored in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. c GDPR due to tax and commercial law storage and documentation obligations (from HGB, StGB or AO) in accordance with § 147 para. 1 German Fiscal Code (AO) for accounting documents for 10 years and in accordance with § 257 para. 1 German Commercial Code (HGB) for business documents for 6 years.

rights of data subjects: Participants are entitled to the rights of data subjects pursuant to Art. 15 to 21 GDPR as well as a right of appeal to the competent data protection authority pursuant to Art. 77 GDPR; in particular, they have the right to request information about the data stored about them and/or to object to the storage and/or use of their data with effect for the future and to request the deletion or blocking of their personal data.







contact details:

Responsible for data processing:

Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e.V.

Board of Directors: Philip Erbers, Birgit Rosenberg

Albert-Servais-Allee 50, 52070 Aachen, Germany


Phone: (0)241 – 9171-0

Fax: (0)241 – 9171-199

Contact details of the data protection officer:

You also have the option of lodging a complaint with the supervisory authority:

State Commissioner for Data Protection North Rhine-Westphalia

Kavalleriestr. 2-4, 40123 Düsseldorf

Phone: (0)211 – 384240



further information: Further information on the organiser’s data protection can be found at




Aachen, June 2024