Special Trophies

For decades, various Special Trophies have been awarded at the CHIO Aachen to honour exceptional performances by horses, riders and special personalities.


Special Trophy of the Gemeinschaft der Starter-, Ziel- und Hindernisrichter "Der Pferdeschwanz" (The Horse Tails)

to the best placed German rider in the „Prize of StädteRegion Aachen“

Winner 2024: Richard Vogel (GER) with Cydello, presentation of the prize by Stefan Bloeß (President of "Der Pferdeschwanz") and Dr. Stephan Kranz, member of the ALRV Supervisory Board

Prize of the Prime Minister

to the winner in the „RWE Prize of North Rhine-Westphalia”

donated by the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Mr. Hendrik Wüst

Winner 2024: Martin Fuchs (SUI), the prize is presented by NRW Minister of Agriculture Silke Gorißen and ALRV Supervisory Board member Jürgen Petershagen

Prize of the European Commission

to the winning team in the „Lambertz Nations‘ Cup“

donated by the President of the European Commission Dr. Ursula von der Leyen

Winner 2024: Germany - presentation of the prize by Dr. Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission). Congratulations from Mr. Hans-Joachim Erbel, President of the German Equestrian Federation (FN), Mr. Hermann Bühlbecker, sole owner of the "Aachener Printen- und Schokoladenfabrik Henry Lambertz", Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission and Ms. Stefanie Peters, President of the ALRV. Photo: Jasmin Metzner

Special Trophy of the Aachener Bank eG

special prize for the winner of the “Prize of the schwartz Group”, four-in-hand marathon competition

Siegerehrung im Hauptstadion zum Sonderehrenpreis der Aachener Bank eG verliehen an Boyd Exell mit Australien Kappe und Siegerdecke auf dem Kutschbock seines Vierspänners, während er sich zu Peter Jorias, im schwarzen Anzug, und Dr. Thomas Förl, im grauen Anzug, herunterbeugt

Winner 2024: Boyd Exell (AUS) - presentation of the prize by Mr. Peter Jorias (Member of the Management Board of Aachener Bank eG) accompanied by Dr. Thomas Förl (Member of the Supervisory Board of ALRV)

Special Trophy (a foal) of the Sparkasse Aachen

to the winner of the overall ranking in the Sparkassen-Youngsters-Cup (S2, S6, S14)

The special Trophy of the Sparkasse Aachen is awarded to Richard Vogel (GER) and Levi Noesar. The prize is presented by Mrs. Stefanie Peters (Member of the Supervisory Board ALRV) accompanied by Mr. Norbert Laufs (Chairman of the Board of the Sparkasse Aachen).

Winner 2024: Richard Vogel (GER) and Levi Noesar - the prize is presented by Mrs. Stefanie Peters (Member of the Supervisory Board ALRV) accompanied by Mr. Norbert Laufs (Chairman of the Board of the Sparkasse Aachen). Photo: Andreas Steindl

PIAFF-Prize in memory of Liselott Schindling

of the Liselott Schindling Foundation for the Promotion of Dressage Riding Sport to the best placed dressage rider of the entire event

Frederic Wandres steht erhöht auf dem Podium im Hauptstadion im Dressurfrack, einen Blumenstrauß in der Hand, in der Mitte zwischen Jürgen Petershagen im blauen Anzug und Anja Heeb-Lonkwitz im schwarzen Blazer und einem breiten gravierten Silbereimer in der Hand als Sonderehrenpreis für den "PIAFF-Preis in Memoriam Liselott Schindling"

Winner 2024: Frederic Wandres (GER) - presentation of the prize by Mrs. Anja Heeb-Lonkwitz (Managing Director of the Liselott Schindling Foundation for the Promotion of Dressage Riding) accompanied by Mr. Jürgen Petershagen (Member of the Supervisory Board ALRV)

Dressage Champion of Aachen 2023

Special Trophy of the Liselott Schindling Foundation for the Promotion of Dressage Riding Sport to the owner of the point best horse in the CDIO-competitions

Isabell Werth bei der Siegerehrung mit einem Blumenstrauß in der Hand und im Arm von Madeleine Winter-Schulze.

Winner 2024: Madeleine Winter-Schulze and Bolette Wandt (owner of Wendy de Fontaine) - accompanied by the rider Isabell Werth - presentation of the prize by Mrs. Anja Heeb-Lonkwitz (Managing Director of the Liselott Schindling Foundation for the Promotion of Dressage Riding) accompanied by Mr. Jürgen Petershagen (Member of the Supervisory Board ALRV)

Challenge Trophy of the City of Aachen

to the winner in the „Rolex Grand Prix, part of the Rolex Grand Slam of Showjumping, The Grand Prix of Aachen“

Übergabe des Sonderehrenpreises "Wanderpreis der Stadt Aachen" in Form einer tellergroßen silbernen Scheibe übergeben von Sibylle Keupen rechts im schwarzen Hosenanzug neben Stefanie Peters in einem roséfarbenen Hosenanzug an Andre Thieme auf DSP Chakaria in ihrer Rolex Grand Prix Siegerdecke wie er sich leicht runterbeugt, um die linke Seite des Preises zwischen sich und Frau Keupen festzuhalten

Winner 2024: Andre Thieme (GER) and DSP Chakaria - presentation of the prize by Mrs. Sibylle Keupen (mayor of the City of Aachen) accompanied by Mrs. Stefanie Peters (President ALRV)

Prize of the Federal Chancellor

to the jumping rider with the best style of the entire event, donated by the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Mr. Olaf Scholz

Übergabe des Sonderehrenpreises "Preis des Bundeskanzlers" für den besten Stil im Hauptstadion in Form eines gravierten Silbertellers gegeben von Nancy Faeser (rechts) in einer schwarzen Bluse an Richard Vogel auf seinem Fuchs Levi Noesar wie er sich lächelnd herunterbeugt, um die andere Seite des Silbertellers festzuhalten

Winner 2024: Richard Vogel (GER) - presentation of the prize by the Federal Minister of the Interior and Community, Mrs. Nancy Faeser

Prize of the Federal Minister of the Interior and Community

to the best placed jumping rider of the entire event

donated by the Federal Minister Mrs. Nancy Faeser

McLain Ward auf seinem Fuchs Ilex bei der Übergabe des Sonderehrenpreises "Preis der Bundesministerin des Innern und für Heimat" in der Mitte des Hauptstadions in Form einer silbernen verzierten Rolle gegeben von Nancy Faeser in einem schwarzen Kleid mit Krücken

Winner 2024: Mclain Ward (USA) - presentation of the prize by Federal Minister of the Interior and Community, Nancy Faeser

Halla Challenge Trophy

to the owner of the most succesful jumping horse of the entrie event, donated by Mrs. Jytte Winkler

Ben Maher (links) in der Mitte des Hauptstadions lächelnd auf seinem braunen Pferd bei der Übergabe des Halla- Wanderpreises an Charlotte Rossetter, Mitbesitzerin von Dallas Vegas Batilly, (rechts) im beigen Hosenanzug, die die Trophäe in Form einer 30 cm hohen Pferdestatue hält, überreicht von Stefanie Peters (rechts daneben) im rosa Hosenanzug

Winner 2024: Ben Maher, Charlotte Rossetter und Pamela Wright (owner of Dallas Vegas Batilly) - presentation of the prize to the rider Ben Maher (GBR) by Mrs. Jytte Winkler

Prize of the City of Aachen

To a personality who has rendered outstanding services to the CHIO Aachen presented by the mayor of the City of Aachen, Sibylle Keupen.

Siegerehrung des ‚Preis der Stadt Aachen‘ im Hauptstadion: Sibylle Keupen (Mitte) im orangen Hosenanzug und Stefanie Peters (Rechts) in einer fliederfarbenen Jacke und passendem Plisseerock überreichen den Sonderehrenpreis an die Grooms stellvertretend entgegengenommen von Claire James (Links) in blauer Sweatshirt Jacke. Im Hintergrund Zuschauer und Fotografen.

Winner 2024: The grooms. Claire James, groom to Luxembourg dressage rider Fie Christine Skarsoe, accepts the award on behalf of the winner. Congratulations to: Frank Kemperman, Vice President of the ALRV Supervisory Board, ALRV President Stefanie Peters and Sibylle Keupen, Mayor of the City of Aachen

Golden Ring

An award for distinguished personalities, who have rendered outstanding services to the equestrian sport and to the CHIO Aachen.