Green Soers
The ALRV already launched its “Garden Eden” project in 1999. New plants being planted on the grounds guarantee the continual beautification of the traditional site at the Soers. For a donation trees could and still can be sponsored at the CHIO grounds. In the meantime, there are around 400 trees (particularly lime trees) and 4.6 kilometres of hedges with around 30,000 plants across the grounds. Rainwater is collected in a biotope next to the Dressage Stadium.
The ALRV is also committed to nature conservation in the Aachen Soers. Trees, hedges and other woody structures were planted in the past, and the Soerser Hochkirchenbach stream was renaturalized. Other measures included the extensification of wet grassland, the use of nesting aids for little owls and the development of fringe vegetation.
Partner of “Grünmetropole”
The ALRV is a partner in the “Grünmetropole”, a cross-border project for the future development of the three-country region in the fields of tourism, technology and science.