Handicapped Accessible CHIO Aachen Visit

Here you can find information about your handicapped accessible CHIO Aachen visit.

Wheelchair Spaces

Wheelchair spaces are located in the main stadium in section K of the Mercedes-Benz Grand Stand and section A of the STAWAG Grand Stand. Additionally there are also wheelchair spaces available in front of the STAWAG Grand Stand. In the Dressage Stadium the wheelchair spaces are located in section F (West Grand Stand) and section O (North Grand Stand). The exact location of these wheelchair spaces can be found in the file below.


Wheelchair spaces can’t be bought online, only on-site or by phone. Please contact the ticket hotline: +49 241-917 1111 or write to tickets@chioaachen.de.


All wheelchair spaces on the CHIO Aachen showgrounds are roofed. However, due to the height of the roofs we strongly recommend waterproof clothing.


Visiting the CHIO Aachen with electronic wheelchairs and scooters is allowed. Due to lack of space, please inform us if you are coming with a scooter when placing your ticket order.


Click here to go to Wheelmap, an online map to find wheelchair accessible places.



A handicapped accessible elevator is available for the West Grand Stand in the Dressage Stadium. The other wheelchair spaces in the Dressage Stadium and in the main stadium are located on ground level or are accessible by ramp.


In the Albert-Vahle-Arena a ramp is available at the end of the East Grand Stand. Please contact our security personnel.


Wheelchair Rental

By paying a deposit of 50€ and giving us a copy or your disability card you can rent a wheelchair at the luggage depot near the main entrance (as long as capacities are available). Reservations are requested by phone +49241 9171 105 or per Email: celine.carnol@chioaachen.de.



Restrooms/toilets for handicapped persons are located in the main stadium at the NetAachen Grand Stand between section B and section C, at the STAWAG Grand Stand in section A and at the Mercedes-Benz Grand Stand in section K.


In the Dressage Stadium they are located in the North Grand Stand between section M and N, in the South Grand Stand between section D and E and at the East Grand Stand in section P.


The doors of these restrooms/toilets can be opened with the European universal key. The service staff at the toilets also have this key.


Medical Center / First Aid Station

The medical center is located in room 16 on the back of the Mercedes-Benz Grand Stand (section I) of the main stadium. A further medical center is in room 1 in the South Grand Stand of the Dressage Stadium.


Baby-Care Rooms

Baby-care rooms are available in the main stadium at the Mercedes-Benz Grand Stand (section I/room 12), at the STAWAG Grand Stand (section A/room 7) and at the NetAachen Grand Stand (section B). The service staff at the toilets have a key. The baby-care room in the Dressage Stadium is located at the East Grand Stand (section P).


Parking Spaces for Buggies, Walkers/Walking Aids

We kindly ask for your understanding that buggies, walkers and walking aids can’t be taken to your seat on the Grand Stands, because bulky objects could prevent a trouble-free evacuation of the spectators. We apologize for any inconvenience. You can find compound sites for these objects on the showgrounds, the plan below shows you the exact location of these places. Parking objects at these places is at one’s own risk. Please take care, that medical necessary walking aids don´t obstruct the escape route.


Assistance Dogs

Assistance dog are only allowed when made obviously visible (marked blanket, scarf, harness or similar) and as long as a valid disability ID / attestation can be presented upon request.


Parking Spaces

Some handicapped accessible parking spaces are available for our disabled visitors on our parking areal A and in the car park/parking areal C (maximal vehicle height 1.90m). Parking there is only possible by prior request (+49 241 9171 720). Such parking permits are sent to you by mail after submitting a copy of the disability ID. The parking permit is only valid in combination with the disability ID and is not transmittable.


Arrival by Train

For handicapped accessible train arrival please contact the mobility service of the Deutsche Bahn (msz@deutschebahn.com, +49 1806-512512).


Arrival by Bus

All buses from the ASEAG are low-lying and can be lowered manually. The vehicles also have a folding ramp, acoustic and optical information about the next stops, spaces for wheelchairs and buggies and additional handholds and stop request buttons. When you have questions regarding this topic, you can ask Mr. Norbert Kofferschläger from the ASEAG (norbert.kofferschlaeger@aseag.de; +49 241 1688-5560).



Please contact the aachen tourist service e.v.
(booking@aachen-tourismus.de) for handicapped accessible acommodation.


Wheelchair accessible places

Click here to go to Wheelmap, an online map to search and find wheelchair accessible places.


CHIO Aachen Museum

A handicapped accessible visit of the CHIO Aachen grounds including CHIO Aachen Museum is also possible before and after the CHIO Aachen. The museum is open Wednesday and Friday from 12am to 5pm. Guided tours of the CHIO Aachen grounds can be booked upon request. For more information please contact Celine Carnol (+49 241 9171 105, celine.carnol@chioaachen.de). There will be no guided tours of the museum during the tournament days.