
Become part of the great CHIO Aachen Team

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Open day of the programme

On Saturday, 20th of Apr 2024 we will open our doors to all those interested in the Volunteer Programme.
More information will follow shortly.

Your advantages as a volunteer:

  • A look behind the scenes of the World Equestrian Festival
  • Meet the most successful riders in the world
  • Free admission on all days of operation
  • Staff catering during the days of operation
  • Free parking for volunteers
  • Free use of public transportation
  • Volunteer certificate
  • One accompanying ticket (standing room at the main stadium) per day of service
  • Allowance and volunteer clothing depending on function

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Register now!

Become part of our team!

To the online form


- Minimum age 18 years
- Communication in German
- Availability on at least three days


You want to be in action together with your friends or with members of your riding club? No problem, participation as a group is generally possible. Write us an e-mail to volunteers@chioaachen.de!


- Supervision infield (jumping, dressage, eventing, driving, vaulting)
- Accreditation
- Cleaning
- Driving service
- Luggage depot and information stand
- Hostesses/guest services
- Ticketing
- Parking
- Stables
- Tribunes
- Spectator guidance

Any questions?

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions and answers! If you have any further questions, no problem, we will be happy to help you. Contact Maxie Fischer (0241 9171 116) or Celine Carnol (0241 9171 105) or send us an email: volunteers@chioaachen.de


Frequently asked questions about volunteers
What are the hiring criteria? ›

You should be older than 18 years and available on at least three days of work and have a friendly appearance.

When will I know if I can work at the CHIO Aachen? ›

We are happy to welcome any volunteer. Your assignment will depend on your interests and the positions we have yet to fill. It is possible that you will be assigned to a different area than the one you have specified, we will coordinate this with you. After you have sent the application, you will receive further information from us.

Do I have the opportunity to watch the sporting competitions? ›

By means of the accreditation, which every employee receives, the access to the grounds and to the standing area in the main stadium is free of charge. After the end of your shift, you can watch the sports program in the jumping stadium and visit the CHIO Aachen Village.

Can I choose the area of application? ›

You can tick several areas that interest you and we will decide, depending on availability, in which area you will be assigned.

Is it possible to work on single days? ›

We try to make the scheduling as flexible as possible.

Are meals provided during working hours? ›

Each employee is provided with meals during working hours.